Thomas B. Roberts
PhD, Emeritus professor of Foundations of Psychedelic
Studies at Northern Illinois University

Thomas B. Roberts, Ph.D., Stanford, is an emeritus professor at Northern Illinois University, where he teaches Foundations of Psychedelic Studies as an Honors Program Seminar. Started in 1981, it is the world’s first university-cataloged psychedelic course. His major related publications include: The Psychedelic Future of the Mind: How Entheogens are Enhancing Cognition, Boosting Intelligence, and Raising Values - Spiritual Growth with Entheogens: Psychoactive Sacramentals and HumanTransformation - Psychedelic Medicine: New Evidence for Hallucinogenic Substances asTreatments (2 vols. co-editor 2007) - Psychedelic Horizons: Snow White, Immune System, Multistate Mind, Enlarging Education - Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: An Entheogen Chrestomathy - The Second Centering Book: More Awareness Activities for Children, Parents, and Teachers - Transpersonal Psychology in Education - Four Psychologies Applied to Education: Freudian, Behavioral, Humanistic,Transpersonal.
He was a Visiting Scientist at the Johns Hopkins Medical Schools' BehavioralPharmacology Research Unit. He is a founding member of MAPS (MultidisciplinaryAssociation for Psychedelic Studies), co-founder of the Council on Spiritual Practices,launched the Rising Researcher sessions at conferences, and originated the celebration of Bicycle Day. Most important, he formulated Multistate Theory. His website is: niu.academia.edu/ThomasRoberts